O’Hare Fast Rides LLC

1. Billing

2. Car Seats

3. Cleaning

4. Damages

5. Drugs & Alcohol

6. Lost Items

7. Miscellaneous

8. Overages & Wait Times

9. Passenger Behavior

10. Pick-up/Drop-off Locations

11. Seating Capacity

12. Smoking

13. Trip Updates


1. Billing


 All rates listed extra rates that might apply:

Taxi from O’Hare and Midway Airports to the suburbs are the same price.


√ All tolls are included.

√  $10.00 Mid-Size SUV Fee (4 passengers/3 suitcases)  

√  $15.00 Minivan Fee (6 passengers/5 suitcases)  

√  $18.00 Minivan Fee (7 passengers/5 suitcases)  

√  $10 – Child car seats (Advance requests ONLY).

√  20% – surcharge on holidays. 

√  10% – surcharge late-night weekdays (10:00 PM – 3:59AM) – weekends (8:00PM – 4:59AM). 

√ 5% Online payments Fee (this includes credit and debit cards within Square and Stripe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App.

√  We accept payments by Zelle.

√  $15 – Waiting Time, does not apply to Airport Pick-Ups. (Every 15 mins block).

√ $60.00 – 1 Hour Waiting Time, does not apply to Airport Pick-Ups. ($15.00 charged for every 15 minutes intervals).

$60.00 – 1 Hour Waiting Time and ($15.00 charged for every 15 minutes intervals) does not apply to Airport Pick-Ups. 

√ Gratuity can be cash or card. (Always Optional).

  √ We reserve the right to modify the price if any of these extras charges apply. 

√ Flat rates are given to all bookings made in advance (8 – hour notice or more), all taxi requests made after the 8 – hour mark, and might be subject to other fees such as weather conditions, traffic, tolls, airport taxes, and other fees.

  √ We do everything possible for our taxi drivers to be on time for airport drop-offs. Our drivers will wait about 10 minutes maximum past the requested time, after that, we will charge $15.00 for every 15 minutes. However, this charge does not apply to waits at the airport. Any delayed flights, cancellations we cannot complete, you will be notified ahead of time and full reimbursement will be authorized. 

√ The customer authorizes us to bill any of these above referenced to the credit card on file and the customer agrees to pay all such charges. We will notify you in writing or via phone of any such additional charges as soon as practicable. You hereby explicitly agree that all communication in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to us, and/or Payments by you. Such communication may be made by us or by anyone on our behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.


2. Car Seats


Please only seat as many people as are allowed legally per vehicle. We cannot pick up groups that are larger than the capacity of the vehicle. In these cases, we will not refund the money and the driver by law cannot take the entire group. 


√ The law allows for specific exceptions when traveling in a licensed taxi or private hire vehicle when a child seat is not available. Despite this, it is the full responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the child is safely restrained for the duration of the journey. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult unless by prior agreement. When booking via our contact centers, they will not advise on child seat or other transportation needs, and it is up to you to provide your equipment. Arrangements for as many child car seats needed, can be arranged with 24 hours advance bookings, you must let us know you need children seats when booking the ride. You may bring your own seats. 

√ Each child seat requested will be charged $10, additional to the cost of the trip.


3. Cleaning 


Additional fee of $250.00 will be charged for any cleaning services beyond what is usual and customary. You shall be responsible for replacement costs of any items that cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or repaired. If you feel that there has been a mistake (e.g. there was no mess to clean), then feel free to submit a reply to the email with your justification, and our compliance team will review the case in detail and reply back with the outcome of the review. This process takes 5-7 business days.


4. Damages


Damaging property is never allowed. Some examples include intentionally spilling food or drink; smoking in a car, or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption or otherwise. If you damage property, you’re responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees, outside of normal wear and tear. If proof of damage or cleaning is provided, you will be responsible for 100% of the amount due. 

In the event, that driver provides a report in need for Repair or Cleaning. O’Hare Fast Rides LLC approves such Repair or Cleaning request in our reasonable discretion, we reserve the right to facilitate payment for the reasonable cost of such Repair or Clean on behalf of the driver using your payment method designated in your account. Such amounts will be transferred by O’Hare Fast Rides LLC to the applicable driver and are non-refundable.


5. Drugs & Alcohol 


The consumption, sell or buy of non-prescribed, alcohol and/or illegal drugs are fully forbidden within all our vehicles. Any passenger that does not follow these rules will be asked to exit the vehicle, if the person decides not to exit the vehicle, law enforcement will be called. 

If you’re a driver, by law, you cannot drive while intoxicated. The law prohibits driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance that impairs your ability to safely operate a vehicle. We will not tolerate any impaired drivers, termination from job will follow. 

If you encounter a rider who is too drunk or rowdy, you have the right to decline the trip for your own safety.

If you’re a rider and you have reason to believe your driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, ask the driver to end the trip immediately. Then exit the car and call 911. After the driver has ended the trip, report your experience to O’hare Fast Rides LLC.


6. Lost Items 


If you lose your luggage or your personal belongings you must bring this issue with your driver immediately. O’hare Fast Rides LLC. and all affiliated drivers, accept no responsibility for lost or damaged luggage and/or personal belongings. Please take a last look inside the vehicle before leaving, to make sure all your items are with you. 


You can file a lost property report by emailing us: info@oharefastrides.com

If you have the trip ID or booking reference add that to your email or phone call, along with your name and phone number to reach you. 

We must be cleared that we are not responsible to bring or ship your items, if found. Arrangements can be made at a cost, in case of shipping or bringing the items are the only options available. The cost will depend on time, distance or the cost of shipping. You are always welcome to pick it up at the office, or a designated place.


7. Miscellaneous 


O’Hare Fast Rides Transfer By O’hare Fast Rides LLC


Please read this agreement carefully before using the website, any other website or apps linked to the business. By accessing the website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should not access or use the website.

O’hare Fast Rides LLC presents the information on this website as a convenience. We pride ourselves on prompt, efficient and courteous service and do all we can to anticipate and avoid problems. At the same time, taxi or limo service is affected by weather, road conditions, road construction, mechanical failure, vehicle/driver availability and occasional misunderstandings as to directions and location. 

In addition, time for processing passengers for baggage and security at airports varies widely depending on security precaution levels, volume of passengers, airline and airport delays and other factors. O’hare Fast Rides LLC cannot guarantee connections with specific flights, trains and other scheduled appointments nor be responsible for consequences, costs or damages for missed flights or appointments. 

Leave yourself plenty of time to arrive at the airport for your flights when directing us as to pick-up times, and be aware of airport arrival times as suggested by airlines. Pick-up times can be scheduled and we try to arrive on time to the scheduled pick-up time but pick-up times arranged in advance by «reservations» are not guaranteed.

We make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or other sites to which we link. Any unauthorized downloading and distribution of any copyrighted material from this site or sites to which we link, without copyright owner’s permissions, is strictly prohibited.




This website and the information, software and other material available on or accessible from this website is provided on an «as is» and «as available basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 


O’Hare Fast Rides Airport Transfer by O’Hare Fast Rides LLC does not warrant that the website service will be uninterrupted or error free or that any information, software or other material available on or accessible tor that any information, software or other material available on or accessible through the website is free of viruses, worms, trojan horses or other harmful components. 

Under no circumstances shall O’hare Fast Rides LLC be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages that result in any way from your use or inability to use the website, your reliance on or use of information and services provided on or through this website. 


8. Overages & Wait Times 


We do everything possible for our taxi drivers to be on time for airport drop-offs. Our drivers will wait about 10 minutes maximum past the requested time, after that, we will charge $15.00 for every 15 minutes. However, this charge does not apply to waits at the airport. Any delayed flights, cancellations we cannot complete, you will be notified ahead of time and full reimbursement will be authorized. 

The customer authorizes us to bill any of these above referenced to the credit card on file and the customer agrees to pay all such charges. We will notify you in writing or via phone of any such additional charges as soon as practicable. You hereby explicitly agree that all communication in relation to amounts owed will be made by electronic mail or by phone, as provided to us, and/or Payments by you. Such communication may be made by us or by anyone on our behalf, including but not limited to a third-party collection agent.


9. Passenger Behavior Obligations and authorities of Driver and passenger.


1. Passenger shall be obliged:

a. to follow all reasonable indications or

instructions by Carrier, such as sitting in the

seat indicated by Carrier;

b. to put on a seat belt before the journey

commences. Any lawfully imposed penalty

arising from non-compliance with this

obligation by Passenger may be recovered

from Passenger.

2. In the Car, Passenger shall be obliged to refrain


a. Damaging and/or soiling the Car;

b. The consumption of alcoholic drinks, unless

with the specific permission of Carrier;

c. Transporting and/or using drugs or narcotics;

d. The use of tobacco products, unless with the

specific permission of Carrier;

e. Aggression, fighting, harassing, threatening,

or any other improper behavior towards

Carrier and/or others;

f. Hindrance in any form whatsoever the Carrier

in the performance of his task.

3. Passenger shall be obliged to pay either the

previously agreed price for the journey or the

journey price indicated by the driver if destination changes.

4. In the event that a situation occurs or arises in

respect to the Carrier which Passenger was not

required to be aware when concluding the

agreement but which, if he had been aware of it,

could have been considered reasonable grounds

for not concluding the Transport agreement or

concluding it under different conditions,

Passenger shall be authorized to terminate the


The agreement may be terminated by an oral or

written notification, and the agreement shall end

at the time of receipt of said notification. In

accordance with the standards of reasonableness

on fairness, parties shall be obliged to

compensate damage suffered as a consequence

of termination of the Transport agreement.

5. Passenger shall be authorized to amend the final

destination during the journey, in accordance

with the stipulations of paragraph 3.

6. In the event that Passenger chooses to open the

door himself, he shall be obliged to open the

door in such a way that it does not form a

hindrance and/or danger to traffic.


10. Pick-up/Drop-off Locations 


Pick ups at the airport varies depending on the airline and weather the flight is domestic or international. The following areas are the only areas we are licensed to pick up from in each terminal. 

• Terminal 1, Arrivals Level, at vestibule 1G LL

• Terminal 2, Arrivals Level, at vestibule 2E LL

• Terminal 3, Arrivals Level, at vestibule 3G LL

• Terminal 5, Arrivals Level, at Door 5E LL (second line)

• Kiss ‘n’ Fly Parking near to the building of car rental, near O’Hare Airport.

• Midway Airport, Arrivals Level, at Door 

(middle line of the ride-share)

Any other pickups will be determined by the customer, we can pick up from any address of your choice. Pick up location must be determined when booking, any changes made to address could mean different charges if the new location is farther than 5 miles from original location and/or 10 minutes driving in traffic. 

Drop offs at the airports are always at the departures level of each terminal/airline. 


11. Seating Capacity 


All of our vehicles by law must have a full seat belt for each person riding. Sedans only have 4 full seat belts including the driver’s. Therefore the seating capacity is as follows, drivers and customers must respect this:

Sedan: 3 passengers

Small SUV: 4 passengers 

Minivan: 6/7 passengers 


Along with passenger capacity, please keep in mind the maximum allowed luggage is 5 checked suitcases, plus carry-on, if the third row is put down. Which only leaves 3 or 4 seats available at max. 

With all seats up, the maximum amount of checked suitcases is 4, plus carry on. 

Sedans can only fit a maximum of 2 checked suitcases and 2 carry on, or a mix of both. 

Small SUVS can only fit a maximum of 4 checked suitcases and 4 passengers. 


12. Smoking and the use of tobacco 


Products such as vapes are forbidden inside the vehicle, this applies to the driver and all passengers. 


13. Trip Updates 


Will be given on all pick ups. Driver will communicate directly with the customer before each pick up.

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